NTEM provides requisite notes and material to the students. In addition, the following counselling material and management tools are available with NTEM.
1. NTEM counselling file.
2. NTEM profile.
3. Information Brochure for software, hardware and vocational courses.
4. Student prospectus for software, hardware and vocational courses.
5. Enquiry form.
6. Student fee card.
7. Student I-Card.
8. Detailed course contents for software and hardware.
Offer for software study centres.
Offer for hardware study centres.
Offer for vocational study centres.
NTEM posters
NTEM leaflets
Eligibility-10th Pass No. of semester-1
Semester- I
Fundamentals, Dos, Windows
MS-Office (MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-Power Point, MS-Access, MS-Outlook)
Internet Technology (Concept of Web Site, Browsers, E-mail ID, Surfing and searching)
Programming Languages (Concept of FlowChart,Algorithm,Psuedocode,Foxpro,C,C++)
Project Work
Eligibility-12th Pass (Any Stream) No. of semester-2
Fundamentals, Dos, Windows
MS-Office (MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-Power Point, MS-Access, MS-Outlook)
Internet Technology (Concept of Web Site, Browsers, E-mail ID, Surfing and searching)
Programming Languages (Concept of FlowChart,Algorithm,Psuedocode,Foxpro,C,C++)
Project Work
OOP’s (Object Oriented Programming Approach)
Programming Techniques (Concept of Class, Cycle etc.)
Visual Basic (V Basic), VC++
MS-Paint, Page Maker, Corel Draw
Project Work
Eligibility-Graduate (Any Stream) No. of semester-2
Fundamentals, Dos, Windows
MS-Office (MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-Power Point, MS-Access, MS-Outlook)
Internet Technology (Concept of Web Site, Browsers, E-mail ID, Surfing and searching)
Concept of Flow Chart, Algorithm, Psuedocode Programming Approach, Logic Making, Decision Making etc.
Structure approach to Programming use of ancient Language like Basic, Cobol, Fortran in a nutshell
Project Work
OOP’s (Object Oriented Programming Approach.
Programming Techniques (Concept of Class, Cycle etc.
Visual Basic (VBasic), VC++
Concept of Java (Core Java) and its illustrations with examples
MS-Paint, Page Maker, Core Draw, Photo Shop, Flash
Project Work
Eligibility—10th pass No.of semester- 1
Computer Fundamentals, operating Systems (DOS, Windows) Illustration from Windows-95 to Windows-XP.
Introduction to digital electronics with due discussion regarding analog device.
Types of Network, Use of Network & Security features in detail.
Components, its Identification, Assembling of PC, Troubleshooting with method of diagonising the errors.
Project Work
Eligibility-+2pass No. of semester- 2
Computer Fundamentals, operation system (DOS, Windows) Illustration from Windows-95 to Windows-XP.
Introduction to digital electronics with due discussion regarding analog device.
Types of Network, Use of Network & Security features in detail.
Components, Its Identification, Assembling of PC, Troubleshooting with method of diagonising the error.
Project work
Assembling of Pc, De-fragmentation of hard disk, Loading of operating systems as well as software.
Digital circuits, Gates, Series Conductor, Physics, Transistors.
Detailed Analysis regarding motherboard CPU, ram, processor and other components as well.
Detailed Analysis regarding memory units, both primary & auxiliary.
Project work
Eligibility-Graduate (Any Stream) No. of semester- 2
Computer Fundamentals, operating system (DOS,Windows) Illustration from windows-95 to windows-XP
Introduction to digital electronics with due discussion regarding analog devices.
Components, its Identification, Assembling of PC, Troubleshooting with method of diagonising the errors.
Motherboard circuit, DMA Channels, interrupts controller and click generator. Familiarization with Display cards, ports, cable & connector and their identification.
Types of Network, Use of Network & Security features in detail.
Project work
Computer Fundamentals, operation system (DOS,Windows) Illustration from Windows-95 to Windows-XP.
Introduction to digital electronics with due discussion regarding analog device.
Types of Network, Use of Network & Security features in detail.
Components, Its Identification, Assembling of PC, Troubleshooting with method of disguising the error.
Maintenance and Preventive maintainance of peripherals
( Keyboard, Mouse, Printer ), main concern about maintained, FDD, HDD, CD-ROM, detecting drivers in CMOS setup and their clearing procedure, common faults in FDD, CD-ROM and their clearing procedure, common faults in FDD, CD-ROM and their rectification).
Project work